An Evening with Mariee Sioux

An Evening with Mariee Sioux

I’m delighted to share that my band Honey Jungle will be playing a show here in Taos, New Mexico with the one and only Mariee Sioux Friday July 12th, 2019 6-9 pm at Revolt Gallery (222 Pased Del Pueble Norte Taos, NM 87571 right next to the old adobe First...
Grandmother’s Medicine

Grandmother’s Medicine

When I was a little girl my grandmother would force us kids to have a freezing cold water rinse post hot bubble bath. Force is a strong word, let’s just say it was understood that there would be no way out of that cold rinse and there was really no use...


I am the daughter of immigrants. My mother an Okinawan half-breed, my father a Colombian mestizo. Though I come from jungle people I somehow ended up growing up in the dry dry desert of Arizona. We kids were raised by my mum & Mexican stepfather on a steady diet...
The Frolic

The Frolic

We’ve been steadily gathering the pieces to form a future of off-grid living, and this little camper magically made it’s way into our lives. It was never quite in the plan, but hey, sometimes you’ve just gotta jump in and “roll” with it!...
Your Bundles are Gifts

Your Bundles are Gifts

Before my little mama crossed over to the next world she told me “Don’t ever sell your sage bundles, they’re gifts” so when I gather this medicine I think of her and the things that cannot be bought or...


When I met this Earth Punani I knew I was invited inside so I walked in slowly gliding my hands along the way feeling the content of my bones more and more till I reached the center ready to sleep for days
Mother Water, My Belly

Mother Water, My Belly

Mother Water told me I have a seed inside my belly a memory  of times when grandmother could drink from the pure river so when i meet you little stream my mouth begins to water and i remember that I am not a dreamer but a knower of times and this gives me hope for...
Standing Rock

Standing Rock

 I woke up to my partner whispering the sweetest words in my ear: “If we weren’t addicted to fossil fuels we wouldn’t be having this issue with the Pipeline….” Haha! I love hearing such blatant honesty first thing in the morning : )...
Earth is Mother ~ I Am Mother

Earth is Mother ~ I Am Mother

The Earth, my Mother. I come from your womb, the Mother of a Mother born knowing your breast. You see the Earth is my Mother, but I am Mother too. Not the Mother of a child born from this body and flesh, but a Mother soul. I feel this tenderness as I walk upon you....
Prickly Pear & Wild White Sage Syrup

Prickly Pear & Wild White Sage Syrup

I’ve been spending my days in a desert by the Sea.  The sweet California coast. I found this amazingly ripe patch of prickly pear on a hike the other day.  Wow.  So juicy and ripe and ready to go. Look at the color of these amazing babies.  Decided to harvest a...
Touch the Earth

Touch the Earth

Touching the Earth is one of our great medicines. How deeply do we understand this? When we walk the soil, our feet touching the ground, our entire beings are filled with the primal energy of pure resonance, bringing us back into natural state. In a world of such...
Life is Ritual

Life is Ritual

Life is a Beautiful Ceremony unfolding. There are so many ways to honor and be present within our day to day happenings, nurturing ourselves through the ritual of life… keeping our bodies: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, tuned in, in balance. ...
Talk to the Rivers

Talk to the Rivers

Let us sit down here…on the open prairie, where we can’t see a highway or a fence. Let’s have no blankets to sit on, but feel the ground with our bodies, the earth, the yielding shrubs. Let’s have the grass for a mattress, experiencing its sharpness and its...
List of Loves ~ Water

List of Loves ~ Water

I’ve been dreaming up a List of Loves for quite some time now, Inspired by the recent emergence of Gratitude lists I’ve seen coming forth in the past few months. Gratitude!!  Remembrance!!  Joy!!! Its been a pretty wild and crazy year, busy as a...
Darkest Day ~ Return of Light

Darkest Day ~ Return of Light

Wrapped in the darkness of our Mothers womb, nourished by its richness Quiet quiet, dark, soft depths of Winter preparing for life as the sun gives birth to itself I Am the Dream and the Dreamer the Web and the Weaver  (Much Love this Winter...
Wolf Clan

Wolf Clan

(My Beloved Lalo.  He is a full on wolf.) My Dear Friends.  As a Wolf lover and Spirit, I have been very inspired to do what I can to help these creatures who, right here and right now, are facing a very serious threat.  After hours and hours...
Innumerable Worlds

Innumerable Worlds

“It’s all like a dream. Everything is ecstasy, inside. We just don’t know it because of our thinking-minds. But in our true blissful essence of mind is known that everything is alright forever and forever and forever. Close your eyes, let your hands and...