Touching the Earth is one of our great medicines. How deeply do we understand this?
When we walk the soil, our feet touching the ground,
our entire beings are filled with the primal energy of pure resonance,
bringing us back into natural state.
In a world of such intensity this is one of the very first steps
towards finding center, finding balance,
understanding our lives, purpose, peace.
Bless yourself with a life connected to the Earth.
Understand that once we as a people develop a deep and
caring relationship with the Earth,
we will naturally live our lives in harmony with her.
This is what will change the world.
We must care, and to care we must know.
Touch the Earth with your hands,
and while you are touching the Earth
be still in your mind.
Take slow, deep breaths.
Notice what it feels like
to be engaged in this
simple act of communion.
Take this opportunity to dive deeper and
deeper into your true nature.
If you wish to hear the Earth speak
be quiet and listen.
Listen deeply as if you are trying to understand
a language you’ve never heard before,
Listen not to the words but to the impressions.
There is a surrender there.
Feel the essence behind it.
Be in stillness…quiet and quieter
Sit by the water.
Allow your mind to empty, crystal clear.
Do this to see clearly.
The Earth will speak and your
Soul will hear.
Do not be afraid of your own body.
Be bold and be naked.
Make friends with the cold river.
Remember it is waking you up in your bones.
At our core we are wild things before anything else,
and it is our birthright to be free in this way.
Be Bold.
Touch the Earth.
Sow the seeds of
your nature.
=:= Thank you for including my ~feet~ without their blindfold’s on! hee hee (aka. shoes). =:=
Hand to heart dear sistar )O(
you are an inspiration!