An Evening with Mariee Sioux

An Evening with Mariee Sioux

I’m delighted to share that my band Honey Jungle will be playing a show here in Taos, New Mexico with the one and only Mariee Sioux Friday July 12th, 2019 6-9 pm at Revolt Gallery (222 Pased Del Pueble Norte Taos, NM 87571 right next to the old adobe First...
Grandmother’s Medicine

Grandmother’s Medicine

When I was a little girl my grandmother would force us kids to have a freezing cold water rinse post hot bubble bath. Force is a strong word, let’s just say it was understood that there would be no way out of that cold rinse and there was really no use...


I am the daughter of immigrants. My mother an Okinawan half-breed, my father a Colombian mestizo. Though I come from jungle people I somehow ended up growing up in the dry dry desert of Arizona. We kids were raised by my mum & Mexican stepfather on a steady diet...