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Moving from Winter hibernation into the quickening of Spring can be a turbulent time, manifesting as heightened anxiety, a compromised immune system and overall feelings of chaos. As the winds of change stir up our lives, a little herbal allyship can be an incredible blessing.

The Guardian Bundle is an offering of 3 unique Wildcrafted medicines, alchemized to provide a feeling of protection and deep support during the transition from Winter into Spring.

A bundle for protection...



2oz bottle of BEAR MEDICINE
4oz bottle of GUARDIAN OIL


2oz bottle of BEAR MEDICINE: Wildcrafted Osha + Rosehips + New Mexico Bee Propolis infused in Organic New Mexico Spirits + Taos Honey

- On a physical level Bear Medicine offers deep lung support for conditions such as the cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma.
- It moves stagnation in the body, especially the respiratory track and can be helpful with lung conditions which present with cold, stuck, mucousy coughs. It has a warming & stimulating expectorant action and can help bring up mucous from the lungs up to be expelled out of the body.
- This medicine stimulates the immune system, activates digestion and MOVES energy in the body.
- Bear Medicine creates an unhospitable environment for the nasties (aka microbes). I like to use this medicine in daily drop doses as a preventative during cold and flu season, especially when my body or spirit feels weak or compromised.
- It soothes sore throats and can be helpful for the lungs during fire season.
- On an energetic level this medicine is recommended in drop doses, to fortify the spirit and encourage a vitalized sense of embodiment. It can help after a period of retreat, offering support to the etheric body as it enters back into the world of dynamism.

In the Rocky Mountain west Osha is known as "Bear Medicine", as it is widely understood that bears like to dig it up and eat it after coming out of their Winter hibernation. It helps to jump start their digestion and immunity, fortifying the body and awakening the senses after a long rest . Bears turn to this medicine when they are feeling sick, as we humans do too. Propolis is a powerful resinous substance made by bees to build and protect their hives. In our human bodies it has a similar action- acting as an anti-inflammatory - helping to reduce pain and discomfort, and an antimicrobial - mending illness and helping heal wounds. Rosehips are a nutritious mineralizing food and medicine, high in vitamin c, fortifying the immune system. They are the fruit of the Wild Rose, offering a softening of the spirit while maintaining the protection of the thorn. Honey is incredibly soothing for sore throats and lungs. It helps wounds to heal quickly (my favorite medicine to use when my animals get hurt) and adds such a wonderful syrupy sweetness to this powerful concoction.

2oz bottle of BLUE VERVAIN ELIXIR - Wildharvested New Mexico Blue Vervain infused in Organic New Mexico Spirits + Taos Honey 

Both Bitter and Sweet - this powerful elixir can be used as a daily tonic to nourish an overwhelmed nervous system.This is medicine for people who feel like they can never fully relax, even when they’re on a nice vacation at the beach.This is medicine for people who don’t always feel safe in their bodies, and who don’t often feel safe within the chaos of the world. It is a highly potentized plant ally that can be very helpful during acute moments of anxiety and intense times of overwhelm. Blue Vervain can also be helpful with PMS, hot flashes, anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, tension in the neck and stomach, amenorrhea (blocked menses), and irregular moon time. It can assist in dislodging suppressed emotions and aid in dream work.

4oz bottle of GUARDIAN OIL: A potent blend of 3 powerful foraged plant allies: Yarrow + Mugwort + Blue Vervain infused in Organic California Olive oil with a touch of Spirits to draw the medicine out.

One of my favorite self-care practices is Herbal Body Oiling. You simply set aside some time to massage this soothing medicinal oil into your body, stepping away from the distractions of the modern day world, and tuning into the body temple. The skin is highly absorbent and sucks these potent medicines up like a sponge. You will find it calms your nervous system, relaxes your muscles, soothes your skin and leaves you feeling more harmonized and calm. This oil is incredible for womb massage.

Yarrow is a psychic shield, bridging Heaven and Earth, acting as a conduit for superCONSCIOUS engergy, On the physical level, it has been used by people all over the world as a "styptic" -or- a medicine which stops bleeding wounds. It offers similar assistance on the spirit level, tempering the energy when it feels as though it is maniacally bleeding out of us, grounding us to the Earth, connecting us to the Heavens. Yarrow is also an amazing womb ally, encouraging circulation in the uterus. A Moon time medicine, it can help bring on stagnant blood as well as slow down heavy bleeding. This makes it helpful for both heavy bleeders and scanty bleeders. Yarrow helps break up menstrual blood clots and ease painful cramps. Yarrow moves Qi and encourages greater circulation in the body.

Blue Vervain is a very magical plant whose powers assist in melting away the illusory walls that seemingly separate you from deeper worlds of insight and wisdom, offering the signs and guidance you may be looking for.  It is known to be highly effective for people who are tightly wound up...“control freaks” if you will. Fanatical over achievers, chronic list makers, anxious humans caught up in the hustle and bustle of this modern day world may benefit from this medicine. Blue Vervain is a powerful plant that can be used as a daily tonic to nourish an overwhelmed nervous system. It is also known to help with: PMS, hot flashes, depression, insomnia, headaches, tension in the neck and stomach, irregular moon time, stagnant lymph, suppressed emotions such as anger, and dream work.

Mugwort is known for its profound ability to assist in unraveling mysteries through the dream space. The insights from these dreams can provide wise guidance for our lives, revealing subconscious blocks and deeply buried desires. Mugwort is also an energy unblocker, one of my.favorite plant allies to soothe anxiety. It is used in Chinese medicine to release blocks throughout the meridians, freeing stagnat Qi and influencing the blood to become a more harmonious river of life as it passes through the body. Mugwort is a womb ally, relieving stuck tension, painful menses and cramping. It can be used to prepare the baby room for a child to come in, but must be used with great caution by pregnant women as it can be very stimulating to the uterus.

(Please note: There is a slight touch of locally distilled GF Spirits alchemized into this mix, used to more deeply extract the plant medicines available.You will catch a whiff of alcohol each time you open the Guardian Oil bottle. I recommend pouring 1-2 days worth of oil in a tiny bowl, which will encourage the alcohol smell to evaporate off, and also allow for easy oiling. I have found that this method really encourages a more consistent oiling practice. You simply dip your fingers into the bowl and then rub the healing oil all over your body without having to pick up the bottle over and over again.)


Stay connected to yourself.

We all have a different experiences with plants, as each of us embodies our own unique inner alchemy.  I invite you to grow in intimacy with the medicines offered here by taking careful notice of your own experience when working with them, and if you can, by spending time with the plants yourself. Even looking at the photographs I share here will help to evoke some of the energetics present for you while working with this medicine.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do a patch test on the inside of your arm to make sure your skin is not sensitive to these medicines. ALL of the plants in these medicines are powerful and not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women, unless under the guidance of an experienced herbalist ***

Additional information

Weight 26 oz
Dimensions 6 × 5 × 2 in